Current State of Sensor Formats

**Note: 99% of this was written before the unfortunate announcement of Olympus selling its camera division. So, that may change or at least affect some of what I’ve opined here.**

Once upon a time, we would see major innovations in sensor technology every other year or so: the shift from CCD to CMOS. The release of the D3 and D700 which, while also being around the time of the “full-frame” sensor explosion*, represented a significant boost in dynamic range, speed, and high ISO capability. There was the advent of full-frame 1080 24p video with the 5D Mark II – arguably the single most influential event in indie cinema history (along with the Arri Alexa). Then came the megapixel race: Nikon released the D800, bumping us past (for 35mm or smaller formats) the 20-24 megapixel ceiling; Sony soon followed with the same resolution in the a7R and the race was on.

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About My Reviews & This Site

First of all, thank you for visiting my new site. As noted above, it is still under construction but should be fully functional shortly.

This is site is centered around photography (and some videography/cinematography). The main types of content you will find here are:

1) Gear reviews (e.g. lenses, cameras, tripods, etc.)
2) Informational articles about photography (e.g. shooting technique or post-processing in ACR & Photoshop)
3) "Musings" or general thoughts about photography and the camera industry.
4) Articles that are more nebulous in nature (for example, I'm working on one about Cinema vs. Stills Photography) - I guess these could be called "philosophical" articles.

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